Tim Lott

Yes! No! But Wait…! is the simplest book on how to write a novel ever written.

It is also the most useful.

Tim Lott admits he can’t teach anyone to write a novel (that’s one of the myths propagated by the novel-writing industry).

But he can teach someone how to build a firm platform on which they can stand in order to explore whether they have the talent, will and determination that writing a novel takes.

A distillation of a lifetime’s reading, writing and thinking about stories and how to tell them, Yes! No! But Wait…! is the one book any aspiring novelist needs and will publish on June 15th 2023 with Swift Press.

Tim Lott says: ‘I wrote this book because I think the creative writing industry has become bloated – a sprawling matrix of dubious teaching practice, literary theory, and profitable flattery. This behemoth is picking the pockets of hopeful writers everywhere. You don’t need a PhD and a degree to write a novel. You don’t even need to go on a six-month course – or a three-month course. Or any course. You need just one thing – as well as those unteachable qualities of ability, endurance and luck. This book is about that one thing.’